We have over 13,000+ Buyers in our Database. Your Lakewood Balmoral home may already be SOLD! These buyers are willing to pay TOP DOLLAR for your Lakewood Balmoral home! Call The Nicholas Ryan Team at (312) 604-5971 and Start Packing!
We sell our clients’ homes for an average of 3.3% more money compared to the average area agent. On a $500,000 home, that’s an extra $16,000 more money in your pocket.
*Based on MLS List to Close % Jan 2021- Feb 2023
We sell our clients’ homes on average in only 23 days while the average area agent sells theirs in 39.5 days.
*based on MLS list market to contract
Not only do we sell our clients’ homes for more money and faster than the average area agent, but your home is also more likely to sell. Our homes are 32x TIMES more likely to sell than the average agent. To discuss the sell of your Lakewood Balmoral home, call The Nicholas Ryan Team at (312) 604-5971 and Start Packing!
We guarantee the sale of your Lakewood Balmoral home at your price, or we will pay you the difference!*
NO Gimmicks! Call us direct at (312) 604-5971 , and Start Packing!
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