Have you ever inquired on a home that you saw online only to find it was already under contract? It can be so frustrating! The reality is many homes get sold before they ever get listed. The hottest deals don’t last long! You know it and so does every other buyer. So how can you find these hot homes before they get sold?
Get Hot NEW Listings BEFORE They Hit Zillow, Trulia, Redfin & MLS! Our clients love our Priority Access List! We are proactive and find homes that no other buyers have access to!
Don’t waste time looking at outdated information on Zillow or searching the internet for listings everyone else has access to! Priority access means you’re there first before other buyers, so you can find your dream home without the competition!
Nick has the homes!! Check out our exclusive pocket listings below. For a complete list of homes that are not listed matching your exact criteria, please complete the form!
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We find homes that match your criteria, including bank foreclosures, company owned properties, and other distress sales.
You are the first to receive this information, before other buyers, so you can negotiate the lowest possible price and your time is not wasted viewing homes that don't interest you.