raving fan club box 4


A Raving Fan is someone who has introduced us to or sent us the information for someone who is looking to buy or sell a home.



Once a month you will receive a custom BLUE box on your front door – keep an eye out for it! Inside the blue box, you will receive a gift. We will make it fun each month, and there will even be opportunities to guess what it is.


So how does this work?

Every time you refer us a client in the future, you will receive a 3-month subscription to our Raving Fan Club which delivers special gifts on a monthly basis along with exclusive invitations to private events.


We have found that people lose the information, or are so busy that they don’t have time to call. The best thing to do is to tell your friend, family member or coworker that we will be reaching out to them to give them some free information about buying or selling a home. People love it because we are coming from a place of contribution! Then we will reach out to them. We are NOT pushy or in their face, we come from a place of VALUE and will send them some tips about getting their home ready, or buying a home, etc. Another super easy way to be counted as an introduction is if you send us your friend an email introduction with everyone’s contact information – you truly look like the hero!


For every introduction that you send to us, you will be subscribed to our Raving Fan Club for 3 months! An introduction is defined as sending us the contact information of someone looking to buy or sell a home in the next 6-12 months.

They say that everyone knows 5-6 people a year who are looking to buy or sell a home.
You can call us at 312-361-8288
or send an email introduction to 

Your Referral